Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Blog 8: Varian and Shapiro & Stiglitz on information economics


I wanted to talk about the dot com era. Growing up in the dot com era was different, I never really thought of the computer as something super special. When I was really young my parents gave me their first computer, it had a black screen with amber writing all I knew how to do was play PAC man and other generic games that you could buy on a floppy ..floppy that's something that makes me laugh. For me the internet wasn't really something that I thought of until I was well into elementary school and even then I really didn't know how to use it. I did learn eventually but the only website that i knew was Google and for the longest time I only used the internet to research for school and really nothing else. During the era that the books were published were during my very little knowledge of the internet so for me all I remember is my parents yelling at me to not talk on the phone or answer the phone when they were on the internet. The real dot com era really hit me when I was in middle school and social media really became a "thing" that kids my age were doing. At the time that I was just getting email, IM, and MySpace was around the same time that Mark Zuckerburg was creating Facebook which for the last seven years has been my newest social media.

When asked, how does what you do make money, and is that OK? I have to really think about it being a designer I tend to stray away from the accounting world and how companies make money. At my internship I try and listen when my boss talks money. I try and pay attention just so that I can explain to my own clients why things work the way they do. All I got out of it is why we have to pay listening and how more colors cost more because of the number of screens that it takes. The other talk about where money goes and our commission (as a company) and how people get paid. I don't know what I would do if people in my company messed up the accounts and I lost my job because of someone else mistakes.

There was a dot com era but I don't know what happened to those who experienced it may have had a bigger impact than it had on me. Growing up with out computers then slowly being introduced to them, I think made it easier for me to balence my life and why the internet is ruining some kids today.

1 comment:

  1. HI, Mackenzie, I fully understand you when you say as a designer, we always try to stay away from the business perspective. However, it so sad to accept that everything that we in contact with the society are all about money. If we don't understand how the company earn money, we may not know what circumstance we should do for our client. Simply means, we Don't do extra job for people. Because everything has a cost.

    Alison Lai
