First off I will tell you that I am partial to science fiction and futuristic inventions, mostly because of the short stories my group is writing for the final and also because it is a genera that interests me significantly. On that note the peoples presentations that caught my attentions were, Kelline's and Nick's projects. Kelline and Nick's ideas are similar in the fact that they are both basing their ideas off of Google, specifically Google glass which is about to be released early next year. Kelline is taking the idea of Google glass and advancing it so that it works off of not just voice commands but also brain waves. So you will basically always be connected to some type of device at all times. Kelline is planning on writing a short fictional story while Nick is planning on making gifs of what Google could become if it starts advancing beyond the Google glass and Google loon (Google balloon that provides wireless internet to people in developing countries and it is able to fly anywhere and maintain its location). I really was interested by Nick's idea because it goes into detail about realistic things that you would never think of. One of the ideas that Nick discussed in class was the idea that the mannequins in the store will be hologram like so that when you want to try on a pair of clothes you can preview it on the mannequins by uploading yourself as a hologram so it is you wearing the clothes. He is also coming up with other ideas that could potentially be the future if Google were to take over the world of wireless connection and information technology. I feel like both of their projects fulfill the final requirements because they have taken ideas that we read about this semester like Google and how it was born and also takes ideas like from Lessig and alters the idea of access to information and also the people or things that control that information.
The other ideas that were a tie for me were John N.'s idea of remixing the audio diaries and music from the game Bioshock. I think that the idea behind this game is one of the best ones that I've seen. I've never played the game but I have had many people use it as a topic for their class projects this semester. From the snip-it that he showed us in class I can tell that it is very well put together and it defines remix to a T. I also thought that the trailer that Tim showed us about his project to make the comedy Tropic Thunder look like a real war movie. I especially liked that he remixed it with music from a serious movie to give the tone of being a war movie. The music he used was the theme from inception and he choose precise moments from the trailer so that it looked serious but it still had the quirky parts like Ben Stiller with the panda head that if you have seen the movie is a pretty funny part.
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