Making Connections
This is a piece of work that I created for my internship. We were asked to create a visual magazine spread and also a copy (informational) spread. For the visual spread I wanted to create something that would inspire graphic designers and artists to create their own work and how to gain inspiration for their own work. A hard aspect of graphic design is making your own creations without using other people's work. With using other peoples works you can be sued for copyright laws. I wanted to show graphic designers that mixing images and words can give you a totally new image. The only problem is using and remixing images violate copyright laws. In this print I altered and used the logos for Google, Tumblr, Blogspot, and Pinterest. I altered the logos to fit with my design by doing this I am remixing and by copyright laws that is in violation of certain designs that are protected under those laws. As a designer I would have to get permission to use those designs and pay for every time that I use it. In Lessig's book Free Culture he discusses his view on remixing, his point is that people should be allowed to use stuff like under the creative commons licencing. I have a similar view to Lessig, I feel that you should be able to protect your work but I feel that with permission you should allow other people to use that work of course in a positive view. Remixing is a very difficult topic because there are the two extreme views, one is to protect everything only allow the public domain to be used, while the other is to let everything free and allow people to do with it what they want. Lessig is a supporter of Cretive Commons which as a designer you need to be able to use because inspiration and remixing cannot be done without other designers sharing their work.
Hey Mackenzie, I agree that a hard aspect of graphic design is being original, there's just so much previous work out there that it's difficult not to be inspired by it to the point of being derivative. Sometimes I realize that I'll even be subconsciously inspired by others, it makes me wonder if creating something absolutely unlike anything else is even possible. It seems like things are just building and changing in small incitements and not monumental steps. Which makes open source material absolutely vital, especially to designers, who don't necessarily need to completely revolutionize graphic design with every project, maybe just subconsciously mix some old ideas with some new ones. Cool artwork by the way!